by, Lesa Seibert, President, Xstreme Media

Over the last three weeks, we have looked at using web coupons to market and drive traffic to your website and business.  We also looked at the most creative ways to get your coupons noticed.  This week we are going to look at best practices for using coupons.

Offer a specific product or service.

Make sure that you clearly state what product or service you are offering the discount for.  A confusing coupon is one of hte fastest ways to lose a potential customer before they click.

Express and exact amount.

If you are offering a 20 percent discount off of your product or service, make sure the coupon states this clearly and succinctly.  Be sure to show the consumer how they will save before the click.  A bait-and-switch tactic might get the customer to your site, but will only create bad will and an abandoned shopping cart at the end.

Give a specific start and end date for your coupon.

Make sure the start and end dates are clearly communicated.  Having a specific end date creates a call to action and a sense of urgency about your promotion and is more likely to move the consumer to act.

Have a specific audience in mind.

To make sure the right people receive your coupon, you need to define your target audience, find that audience online and then deliver your coupon to them.