by, Lesa Seibert, President, Xstreme Media

A great deal of what you will read when researching social media is vague strategies to reach and engage customers.  Keep in mind, there is plenty more that can be done.  Each networks provides avenues via which a business can market their brands, products and services.  So how do you put those strategies in motion to become a better social media marketer.

Search Keywords Before Updating

With the implementation this year of Google and Bing indexing real-time information on the Web, it is more important than ever to optimize your social network updates - Facebook status updates, tweets, blog posts, etc.  Just like you would be sure to include keywords in blog post titles, ad copy and image descriptions, do the same on your social media profiles.

Look for trending topics and adpat them to fit your updates (within reason).  Take advantages of hashtags and keywords on Twitter and be sure to repeat keywords and phrases in the copy of your updates as well as in the title.

Where can you find hot topics?  Try to find the latest Twitter trending topics along with promotes itself as a real-time  Web search engine and lets you search across blogs, networks and more and also set up social e-mail alerts. tracks interactions with trending topics among its members and provides news items of those topics - good for staying on top of trends with heavy social media users.

Next week we will look at how to mix up content offerings to keep your audience.