by, Lesa Seibert, President, Xstreme Media

Press releases usually rank quickly in organic search and news results can often rank within minutes of publication if they are optimized and are distributed following established SEO and editorial guidelines.

Previously, print media outlets were information trolls, of sorts, for news and press, in that you had to get through their front line individuals or have a relationship with them, to get your story or new printed.  Not any more.  With the Internet, anyone can get press out about anything at any time.  Through search engines, you can find news on most any topic provided that the creator has announced and optimized the news so that it can be found.

Publishing effective news releases online requires a three-pronged optimization approach that consists of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), conversion optimization and editorial optimization.  When all three pieces are in place, press releases can have a dramatic impact on your online visibility.

Over the next three weeks, we are going to look at these three areas and hopefully help you get your press releases noticed.