by, Lesa Seibert, President, Xstreme Media, LLC

Last week we looked at how to optimize the title and summary of a press release.  This week we are going to look at optimizing the press release for clickthroughs.

The real purpose of a press release is to hook the reader with the news release and then direct that traffic to your website.  Online press releases are, in essence, landing pages for our business designed to drive traffic to your website.  By optimizing for clickthroughs, you can achieve your conversion goals.

Make Use of Multimedia Features
Using images, videos, logos, file downloads and links to other websites allows readers to become engaged in your message through a variety of senses.  When you have the opportunity, use as many multimedia options as your press release distribution site will allow.

Embedded Website Navigation
If you have the option to add an iFrame (an embedded window that can display a web page) in your release, choose to link to a page that is a natural extension of the message announced in your press release.  For example, if we were announcing a new service, we would display the page describing the new service in the iFrame instead of our website home page.

Include A Call-to-Action
A press release is a tool made to entice readers to visit your website.  You must give them clear direction on how and why they need to do so.  Some ideas are to send them to your website to download a free ebook, or to read full details about your new service or to subscribe to your e-newsletter for tips and information that are related to the press release.

There are lots of options when optimizing a press release for clickthroughs.  Explore the possibilities with your next release and see what type of response it generates.

Next week in our final part of this series, we will look at editorial optimization.