by, Lesa Seibert, President, Xstreme Media

This year is going to be about getting your point across without a lot of flash - literally.  The quicker you can show your website visitors that your business can meet their needs, the better off you will be.

What this means to website owners is that visitors are choosing substance over style, in most instances, which will challenge website owners to achieve a balance.  The sites that manage to do this well will have designs that stand out but with content that gets right to the point without all the fluff.  There will be deeper functionalities that can be optimized for social media and mobile devices.

So, website owners, if you have a big Flash presence on your homepage, your preview on Google will not look nearly as enticing.  The same will be true if you have lots of little images on your home page.  Simple, bold designs are going to be the best going forward.   With all the changes that are taking place in search, 2011 will be a really good time to look at website redesign if their site was done more than two years ago and some newer sites, if they incorporate a lot of flash and are cluttered with lots of photos, ads, images, etc.

So as you are looking at your website, really look to see is there text and good information for your visitors and is it optimized for SEO.  If not, it's time to think about updating your site.