No matter what you use them for, email marketing programs can have significant value for your business.  They provide positive returns on investments, ability to increase website traffic and they are very cost effective.  In a survey conducted by Campaigner in 2011, they found that 61 percent of their business customers were planning to increase the use of email marketing.

Having an opt-in email list is a valuable asset because there is already interest from the subscriber.  One way to build your email list is to leverage what you are already doing:
  • add a link to the sign-up form in your email signature so that all of your emails include a one-click link to register for your email program
  • if you attend trade shows, events, etc. where you have a display, set up a computer at your exhibit to allow visitors to sign up for your email program
  • include a one-click forward link in all your email campaigns - making it easy for recipients to share with their friends
  • make sure to integrate a sign-up form on your website and on any social platforms that support that integration (Facebook for one does)
  • in mailed correspondence, encourage recipients to go to your website and sign up for your email program - give them a reason to do this by letting them know what they will be receiving - tips & tricks, coupons, first notice of new products or services, a free or discounted seminar, etc.  DO NOT add emails to your email list without first getting permission from the recipient.

When putting the registration form together, make it as easy as possible.  Don't ask for too much information during this first encounter.  Ask only a few questions like their name, company name, industry or location.  Keeping it short will avoid scaring them off by asking for too much information up front.

In our next article, we will look at some tools to get the word out about your email list.