by Lesa Seibert, President, Xstreme Media

As it goes, there is a larege collection of social networks for you to choose from, some of which are more specialized than others, but which one do you choose?

As a business owner, it is very imporant that you spend your time wisely using social media platforms that provide you with the best access to new clients/business, those where your target market spend their time online.

In order to do that, you need to know what the particulars of for each platform and what the demographics are for their users.  Who visits what Social Media outlets and more importantly, which ones does your target market visit.  A few basic descriptions of the most popular social media platforms might help you in your search:
  • Twitter is like the cocktail party - lots of conversations going on with a few talkers and a lot of listeners.  Twitterers are somewhat older and more educated.   If a tweet is posted and you have no followers did it make an impact?
  • MySpace is like the seedy dive bar.  Great for musicians and bars or associated businesses.  It caters to a much younger crowd.
  • Facebook is like the backyard barbeque.  More casual conversations but a great place for friend recommendations.  Like, we ate at Joe's last night - they have great pizza you should try it or i bought new cosmetics from xyz cosmetics and they are great.  You can also have a presence for your business on Facebook where you can put useful information for people that "like" you and in return hopefully they will share things about your business.
  • LinkedIn is like the business meeting.  A great place for connecting and sharing important news and answers about business topics.  It is a giant rolodex.
Using these descriptions will help you to find where your target market lives online.  Do searches within these networks for keywords that pertain to your business to see how many people are out there doing what you do.  Are you different?  Look at your competition and see what kind of traffic they are getting, how many friends (likes) they have, etc.  Do followers leave comments?

It does not make sense to be on all of the social media networks if that is not where your target market is.  You will be wasting your time and money to be on all of them if you don't need to be.  And remember, before you start any type of social media campaign, make sure you have a plan of what you want to acheive with it and that your web site is ready for for the traffic.  Does it represent your company the way you want it to and does it convey the message it needs to in order to gain new clients/customers from the new traffic that your social media posts will create.